Chess Lessons And Moves

21 členov
27. 1. 2023
0 Events Played


Today The Chess Lessons And Moves 

Location: United Kingdom -UK- 

Chess Teachersnervous

instead of one person winning, the whole team wins or loses based on how all the players on that team did.


Name and Objects

The Club shall be named the 49 Social Club.


The objects of the Club shall be:-


To carry out the business of a bona-fide Members’ Club providing the means of social activity, mutual helpfulness, mental and moral improvement, recreation, and other advantages of a Club.


Use of the Club’s Name

The registered name of the Club shall be kept painted or affixed on the outside of the Club premises, in a conspicuous position in letters easily legible, and shall be mentioned in legible characters on all business letters, notices, advertisements and other official publications of the Club. Further, in all bills of exchange, promissory notes, endorsements, cheques, and orders for money or goods purporting to be signed by or on behalf of the Club, and on all bills, invoices, receipts and letters of credit of the Club.



The Secretary shall be supplied by the Committee with copies of the registered rules, and shall be bound to deliver a copy to all members on their election and to any other person, on demand, together with copies of registered partial amendments on such payment (not exceeding 10 pence), as the Committee may from time to time determine.


No amendment of these rules is valid until voted upon by members at a general meeting.



The Committee shall have power to make such bye-laws as it may consider necessary for the good order and management of the Club, provided that no such bye-laws shall conflict with any of the rules. A copy of all such bye-laws shall be posted conspicuously on the Club notice-board.


Eligibility for Membership

All members of the Club must be at least 18 years of age.


Application for Membership

Financial Membership
Applications for financial membership shall be made to the Club Secretary.


Applicants must sign an application form. The application form must contain present name, address of each applicant signed by a proposer who must be a full member of the Club and a seconder who must be a Committee member or Trustee of the Club. This form shall be posted in the Club for at least two clear days prior to the proposed member’s name being considered by the Committee.


The Committee has the sole authority to admit applicants to membership or to reject them. The decision of the Committee shall be final.


The reasons for the decision shall not be conveyed to the applicant.


Immediately upon admission the new member shall: -


(a)     Be provided with a copy of the Club’s registered rules.

(b)     Pay the current joining fee and subscription;

(c)     Receive a 49 Social Club membership card.


Temporary Membership
Application for temporary membership shall be made to the Secretary. Where applicable, applicants must submit evidence of their membership to the 49 Social Club.


The names and addresses of applicants for temporary membership should be posted in the Club for at least two clear days before the membership becomes valid.


The Committee may authorise the admission of temporary members from a date being two clear days from the date of receipt of the relevant application.


Membership shall only become valid after the payment of a subscription in accordance with the next rule, the receipt for which shall constitute the temporary membership card.


Subscriptions and Joining Fees

Who pays
All members (including Senior Citizens) shall pay an initial joining fee together with a subscription as may from time to time be determined by the Committee, and ratified by the members at an Annual General Meeting.


Temporary members shall pay a joining fee and subscription as determined by the Committee.


Payments Due
The subscription for the current financial year becomes due as soon as an applicant is admitted to membership and subsequently on the first day of January being the beginning of the Club’s financial year.


Any member who has not paid his subscription within 31 days after it has become due shall be considered to be “in arrears”


Any member “in arrears” shall be liable to pay a fine as set by the committee along with the annual subscription.


Lapsed Membership
Any member whose subscription is still not paid within four weeks of becoming in arrears shall cease to be a member


Senior Citizens

Upon completion of 2 full and consecutive years of membership shall be entitled to reduced membership so long as they have not been in contravention of any of the rules of the Club.


Committee Members

Members of the Club who have served as elected members of the Committee for 5 consecutive years shall be awarded honorary Life Membership in recognition of their service to the Club.


Register of Members

The Club shall keep at its registered office a register in which the Secretary shall enter the following particulars: -

(a)     the names and addresses of all the members;



(b)     the names and addresses of the Officers and Committee with the offices held by them respectively and the dates on which they assumed office.


Address Change
Any member changing his address must notify the Secretary of such change within fourteen days thereafter.


Cessation of Membership

A member shall cease to be a member: -

(a)     By non-payment of subscriptions;

(b)     By expulsion;

(c)     By resignation; (Any member wishing to resign must send written notice to the Secretary and have his resignation formally accepted by the Committee).

(d)     Upon death:


Admission of Non-Members to the Club

Guests of Members
In addition to their family any member may introduce friends as guests provided that no member may introduce more than two guests at any one time and no individual (who is eligible for membership) may be introduced as a guest more than twice in one year.


Guests and the member introducing them shall sign their name in a book kept for that purpose.


Members shall be responsible for the good behaviour of guests introduced by them during the period of their stay in the Club and in the event that a guest is removed from the Club premises for misconduct or other cause, the member introducing such a guest may be subject to disciplinary procedures. The member must be present throughout the period their guests are in the Club.


Guest Approved by the Committee
Persons attending the following functions organised by the Committee or organised by a member and approved by the Committee may be admitted to the Club and pursuant to section 49 of the ‘Licensing Act 1964’ (or subsequent legislation) intoxicants sold to them, provided that such sales shall be limited by any conditions imposed on the Club's on license by the Magistrates’ Court: -

(a)     sporting teams and their officials and supporters engaged in sporting fixtures in which a representative team from the Club is participating; or

(b)     occasions of a member’s personal or family nature including parents, grandparents and descendants, not organised for profit and which are customarily celebrated, e.g. weddings, retirements, silver and golden wedding anniversaries, etc..


Notwithstanding the above entries under Admission of Non-Members to the Club, the following may not be admitted as guests:-

(a)     former members who have ceased to be members under any of the previously stated rules;

(b)     persons whose application for membership has been refused;

(c)     members who are suspended under any stated rule of this rule book;

(d)     members who have been ordered to withdraw and who have not subsequently met the Committee.


Hours of Opening and Closing Club Premises

The Club shall be opened and closed at such hours as may from time to time be fixed by the Committee and as posted in the Club.


Permitted Hours

The permitted hours for the supply of intoxicants shall be fixed by the Committee within (and in accordance with) section 62 of the ‘Licensing Act 1964’ and schedule 1 of the ‘Licensing Act 1988’ (or subsequent legislation) and the total general licensing hours applicable to the Petty Sessions Division


within which the Club premises are situated. The permitted hours shall be incorporated in a bye-law which shall be displayed in the Club and be notified to the Clerk to the Justices and the Chief Officer of Police.


Insofar as these rules allow for the sale of intoxicants such sale shall also be limited to the permitted hours fixed by the Committee.


The permitted hours may be extended only by application to the relevant Magistrates’ Court pursuant to the ‘Licensing Act 1964’ (or subsequent legislation).


General Meetings

Ordinary General Meetings
Ordinary general meetings shall be held as directed by the Committee.


The agenda for the meeting must be posted prominently on the Club premises for at least seven days prior to the meeting.


Notice of a motion submitted in writing by any member at least seven days before the date of such meeting shall be added to the agenda by the Secretary. No matters other than those which appear on the agenda shall be discussed at an ordinary general meeting.


Annual General Meeting
The annual general meeting of the members shall be held in the month of April in each year, on a date to be fixed by the Committee. The Secretary shall post the date and time of the meeting together with an agenda of the business to be conducted prominently in the Club for at least seven days prior to the date of the meeting.


The business of the meeting shall be to receive a report by the Committee for the previous financial year, to receive a statement of accounts and balance sheet and the report of the auditor for the previous financial year, and such other business as may be included in the agenda.


The Secretary shall add notice of a relevant motion in writing submitted by any financial member at least seven days before the date of such meeting to the agenda.


Special General Meetings
How to be called:

A special general meeting shall be called by the Secretary in the following circumstances:-

(a)     upon the direction of the Committee, and in accordance with such direction;

(b)     on a requisition, signed by one-fifth of the members or 25 such members, whichever is the less, stating the special object thereof. The requisition should include both the printed name and signature of the member. Such meeting shall be held within not less than 21 days and not more that 28 days from the date of the receipt by the Secretary of the requisition.


Notice to be given:

Notice of any special general meeting, and of the objects for which it is called, shall be posted prominently in the Club by the Secretary for at least seven days prior to the date of the meeting.



No business other than that named in the notice shall be brought before a special general meeting.


A general meeting may proceed to business if twenty qualified members are present within half an hour after the time fixed for the meeting, otherwise the meeting, if a special general meeting convened on the requisition of the members, shall be dissolved: but if an ordinary annual or special general meeting convened by order of the Committee shall stand adjourned to the week following at the same time, and the meeting so adjourned may proceed to business, whatever be the number of members present. No meeting shall become incompetent to transact business from the want of a quorum arising after the chair has been taken.