Earth Trisolarans Organization

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Earth Trisolarans Organization (ETO): An Introduction

The Earth Trisolarans Organization, commonly known as ETO, is a secret international organization that emerges in the sci-fi trilogy "Three-Body Problem." It develops amidst the revelation of extraterrestrial civilization's existence.


ETO arises as an almost religious movement among individuals who learn of the existence of alien life. Its members primarily hail from high-level intellectual circles, encompassing significant portions of political and economic elites. At its core, ETO comprises those disappointed with humanity's performance (essentially, a group of disillusioned human elites) who seek external intervention to address civilization's flaws. However, their methods become increasingly extreme, with some factions desiring the arrival of the Trisolaran civilization to purify (or eliminate) humanity.

Development Journey:

"Contact with an extraterrestrial civilization, regardless of its content, acts as a symbol or trigger. Through the psychological and cultural lens of human society, such contact can be amplified, exerting substantial influence on the course of civilization. If monopolized by a nation or political force, its significance rivals economic and military power."
— Excerpt from "A Hundred Thousand Light-Years Iron Curtain: SETI Sociology" by Bill Mathews, a sociologist from the Rand Corporation.

Ye Wenjie, initially working at the Red Coast Base, discovers the existence of the Trisolarans. After leaving the base, she meets Evan McMullin, who shares his ideal of equality among all species. Ye reveals the secret of Trisolaran civilization to Evan, who, disillusioned by humanity's destruction of the environment, dedicates his life and fortune to contacting the Trisolarans and establishing ETO. Ye is later appointed as the spiritual leader of the organization.

ETO initially comprises individuals who believe in the existence of the Trisolaran world and are willing to aid them. The Redemptionists seek to save the "Lord" from the perils of the Trisolaran world, while the Adventists desire the Trisolarans' intervention to forcibly oversee and reform human society, creating a new, enlightened civilization.

Ye Wenjie believes in the higher moral and scientific standards of a more advanced civilization. However, Evan's true agenda is the destruction of humanity, and he deceives most of ETO, monopolizing communication with the Trisolarans and turning the Adventists into a terrorist kingdom of extreme environmentalists and human-hating fanatics.

As the story progresses, the conflicts within ETO, the revelations of their true agendas, and their attempts to assassinate key figures like Luo Ji unfold. The organization's activities and influence wane as humanity faces the increasing threat of the Trisolarans and their eventual invasion.

In the end, ETO is effectively eliminated through various purges and the exposure of its members. Its final act is the revelation of the strategist Sienes's plan by the last remaining member, Shan Shan Huizi, though it ultimately fails.

The goals of both the Adventists and the Redemptionists are, in a sense, fulfilled: the Adventists' desire for humanity's extinction is achieved through the dimensionalization of the solar system by a bidirectional foil, while the Redemptionists' inadvertent actions provide a new opportunity for life in the dark forest of the universe.


Ye Wenjie: The first person to establish contact with the Trisolaran civilization and the supreme commander of the Earth-Trisolaris Organization. As the spiritual leader of the Earth-Trisolaris rebels, Ye Wenjie was not involved in the specific operations of the organization. She was unaware of how the rebels, which grew significantly in size later on, developed and even did not know the specific number of members in the organization.

Mike Evans: The actual founder of the Earth-Trisolaris Organization. A firm believer in the Adventism faith, he developed a hatred for humanity due to disappointment and disgust. He served as the main liaison between the Earth-Trisolaris Organization and the Trisolarans.

Wallbreaker 1: Real name unknown, male, virtual name: von Neumann. He appeared frail, dressed in old clothes, with a humble gaze and polite, cautious mannerisms, but was clearly a scheming and treacherous "executioner" who tried not to reveal his strength. He successfully identified the true plan of Wallface 1, Frederik Taylor, in a short period of time.

Wallbreaker 2: Real name unknown, male, virtual name: Mozi. He attempted suicide but was stopped by the Trisolarans. He appeared strong and successfully identified the true plan of Wallface 2, Manuel Reyes Diaz, in a short period of time.

Wallbreaker 3: Keiko Yamasuki, female, virtual name: Aristotle. She was the wife of Wallface 3, Bill Hines, and identified his true plan but failed to notify the Trisolaran world in a timely manner after the identification.

Shen Yufei: A member of the Earth-Trisolaris Organization. She was once a core member of the Adventists but deep down, she was a firm believer in the Salvationists. She was killed by Pan Han.

Pan Han: A member of the Earth-Trisolaris Organization and a leader of the environmental branch of the Adventists. He was killed by the Nuclear Girl.

Real name unknown, virtual name: Einstein.

Real name unknown, virtual name: Confucius.

Real name unknown, virtual name: Qin Shi Huang, one of the seven leaders of the ETO. He initiated the Wallbreaker Plan in the Three-Body game and designated the Wallbreakers. In the animated adaptation "My Three-Body," it is additionally established that his true identity is the admiral and superior of Chang Weisi.

Nuclear Girl: Real name unknown, she was Ye Wenjie's bodyguard. She gracefully twisted Pan Han's neck with a smile and threatened Shi Qiang with a nuclear bomb, but was killed when Shi Qiang detonated the conventional explosives surrounding the nuclear bomb. In the Tencent TV series adaptation, it is additionally established that her true identity is Chen Xue, the daughter of Ye Wenxue.

Real name unknown. He failed to assassinate Luo Ji before the United Nations General Assembly and was captured by Shi Qiang.

Internal factions

Ye Wenjie
Commander Ye Wenjie herself does not actually belong to any faction, as the ideologies of the three factions are not entirely aligned with her own beliefs - "I lit the fire, but I cannot control it." As a scientist, she initially believed that a civilization and society with sufficiently advanced science would necessarily possess higher standards of civilization and morality. However, after experiencing various events during the Cultural Revolution, she came to the conclusion that humanity could not rely on itself to reform and eliminate its own "evil", and thus needed to rely on a more powerful force external to humanity to transform and save human society. More information about Ye Wenjie's experiences can be found on this page and related entries.

This is the most primitive and pure strain of the Trisolaran rebels, mainly composed of adherents of Evans' species communism (all living species on Earth are born equal). They have completely despaired of human nature, and this despair initially stemmed from the mass extinction of Earth's species caused by modern civilization, with Evans being a typical representative. Later, the Adventists' hatred for humanity began to have different starting points, not limited to environmental protection and war, but rising to quite abstract philosophical heights. Unlike what people later imagined, most of these people were realists, and they did not hold much hope for the alien civilization they served. Their betrayal stemmed only from their despair and hatred for humanity. A quote from Mike Evans became the motto of the Adventists: "We don't know what alien civilization is like, but we know humans."

The core ideology of the Adventists was formed by Evans based on Ye Wenjie's descriptions and his own experiences in protecting the Earth's ecology. It is a desire for the life of the Trisolaris planet to descend upon Earth and destroy all native Earth species, viewing the coming of the Trisolarans as even more important than the survival of the Trisolaran civilization itself, as exemplified by Pan Han's assassination of Shen Yufei. The Adventists were the earliest and most powerful faction within the Trisolaran Organization, with their headquarters located on the private ship "Judgment Day" of the Adventist leader Evans. The Adventists communicated with the Trisolaris planet through a parabolic antenna similar to the one at the Red Coast Base on the Judgment Day, and prohibited their rivals, the Salvationists, from viewing the communication records, effectively monopolizing contact between the Trisolaran Organization and the Trisolaris planet.

Before Ye Wenjie intervened, the Adventists always had an advantage within the Trisolaran Organization, but ultimately Evans' radical ideology led Ye Wenjie to begin favoring the Salvationists. Shortly after Ye Wenjie was captured, Evans was also ambushed and killed by government forces using nanofilaments during a voyage through the Panama Canal.

In the second novel, "The Dark Forest", the Adventists become the only force within the ETO, with all the Wallbreakers being Adventists. After the death of Shan Shan Huizi, both the Adventists and the ETO come to an end.

The Salvationists

This was a faction that emerged quite some time after the advent of the Trisolarian traitors. Essentially a religious group, it was composed of adherents of Trisolarianism and was relatively the most loyal to Ye Wenjie.

The existence of another civilization besides humanity undoubtedly held immense attraction for the higher intellectual echelons, making them prone to fostering various utopian fantasies about it. For such a nascent civilization as humanity, the allure of a more advanced alien civilization was nearly irresistible. To employ a somewhat inappropriate analogy: human civilization had always been like an innocent youth wandering alone through the desert of the universe, and now it knew of another being's existence, even though it couldn't see their face or figure, it knew they were out there, and its beautiful imagination of them spread like wildfire. Gradually, as their imagination of that distant civilization grew richer, the Salvationists developed a religious sentiment towards Trisolarian civilization. The three stars of the Centaurus constellation became Mount Olympus in space, the abode of the gods, giving birth to Trisolarianism. Unlike other human religions, Trisolarianism worshipped a truly existent being; contrary to other religions, it was the deity that was in peril, and it was the believers who bore the responsibility of salvation.

While harboring religious feelings towards Trisolarian civilization, the Salvationists' attitude towards human civilization was far less extreme than that of the Adventists. Their ultimate ideal was to save the deity, and to a certain extent, they were willing to sacrifice the human world for the deity's survival. However, most of them believed that enabling the deity to survive in the three-sun Centaurus system while averting its invasion of the Solar System would be an ideal outcome beneficial to all. Towards this end, they had been diligently trying to solve the Trisolarian problem. Due to ideological differences, the rift between the Salvationists and the Adventists grew deeper and deeper.

The entire faction collapsed after learning the true plans of the Trisolarians.

The Survivalists

With the development of the Trisolarian movement, a third faction emerged within the Trisolarian traitors: the Survivalists.

When the existence of an alien fleet invading the Solar System was conclusively confirmed, surviving that ultimate war became the most natural desire of the people. Of course, the war was 450 years away and had nothing to do with their current lives, but many hoped that if humanity was defeated, their descendants four and a half centuries later could survive. Serving the Trisolarian invaders now would obviously facilitate the realization of this goal. Compared to the other two mainstream factions, the Survivalists were predominantly from lower social classes, and there was a significant proportion of Easterners (especially Chinese, was it because China had the largest population? No, it was because the Chinese placed great emphasis on the concept of continuing the family line). In the early 21st century, their numbers were still small, but they were growing rapidly and were once considered a force that could not be ignored in the future as Trisolarian culture became increasingly prevalent. After learning the true plans of the Trisolarians, the Survivalists became an independent force.

However, they were only mentioned briefly at the end of the first book and the beginning of the second, never to be mentioned again. None of the ETO members featured in the novels belonged to the Survivalists, and from the perspective of the narrative, they didn't contribute anything to the development of the ETO. In essence, they were merely spectators, and it could be speculated that they might have been eliminated or disbanded during the early waves of suppression against the ETO in the Crisis Era. In simpler terms, they were a potential reserve force of collaborators, similar in nature to the Earth Peacekeeping Force of the post-Deterrence Era, although there was no direct connection between the two organizations.

Quoted from Moegirlpedia

