Life outside of chess?! Hehe. I do many many things outside of chess. I work from home...or whereever really. Let's see, I write, I am a performer, I work in the alternative healing industry, I do website development, and run a design business. Well, those are the things that bring the money in. I also enjoy the outdoors, good food, a bit of travel, socialising, clubbing, having fun, yeah. ;-) I first got interested in Chess when I was about 7 or so. There was this mini five minute show on tv that showed you a move a day. I was hooked. I think I even made my own little chess board out of a cereal box before my folks bought me a proper travel set (that I still have today!). Since then I've played on and off. Actually, I haven't play much in recent years and am only just getting back in to it again this year. I am realising again how much I love this game. As for the technical side of things, I am a casual player. I don't have any favourite moves that I can point out, I don't follow tournament or world player news or anything like that. I play for my own enjoyment. That's what it's all about, yeah.
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