. 我的爱人活在 大海的南边。 我该送什么去问候他呢? 两颗珍珠和一把玳瑁梳子: 我要把它们装在玉盒里送给他。 他们告诉我他不忠: 他们告诉我他把我的盒子摔在地上, 摔在地上烧毁了 并把骨灰撒在风中。 从今天到永远 我永远都不会想起他, 再也不会想起他。 公鸡在啼叫, 狗在吠叫—— 我的哥哥和他的妻子很快就会知道的。 秋风在吹; 晨风在叹息。 一会儿太阳就会从东方升起 然后它也会知道的。 some useless facts about me and my family???? (maybe) my given name is Liana, but the Longer version of my name is Lianhua. (the A has to be removed to make it proper) My younger sister's given name is Tao, but the longer version is Taohua. we follow a tradition of our ancestors to put the mothers last name into the first name. my older brother's given name is Jin, but the longer version is Jinyang (fathers last name) my person opinions, I normally go by my fathers last name yang, so my name would be Liana yang. some fact abt my siblings- my sister tao is 3rd grade LOL my brother Jin, is in college :) and I'm in 11th year Jin is 19 I'm 16, tao is 9 lol imagine ok now go study
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