Vachier-Lagrave youngest French champ ever
Two years ago, Vachier-Lagrave disclosed himself as the big French talent by becoming a GM at the age of 14. It's clear that this chess summer he's experiencing a major breakthrough; during ChessVibes on tour we saw him win the Paris Championship, which proved to be a good omen for the real title. Now at the 82nd French Championship he (2595) left strong compatriots like Tkachiev (2655), Fressinet (2646) and Bauer (2626) behind him and there's only one word for that: magnifique.
The final standings in the 11-round French Ch were:
1. Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime GM 2595 7,5 2. Vladislav Tkachiev GM 2655 7,5 3. Andrei Sokolov GM 2582 7,0 4. Christian Bauer GM 2626 6,5 5. Iossif Dorfman GM 2584 6,5 6. Robert Fontaine GM 2567 5,5 7. Laurent Fressinet GM 2646 5,5 8. Jean-Marc Degraeve GM 2520 5,0 9. Anatoly Vaisser GM 2544 5,0 10. Igor-Alexandre Nataf GM 2588 4,0 11. Olivier Renet GM 2498 3,5 12. Laurent Guidarelli IM 2450 2,5
Here you can replay all of Vachier-Lagrave's games, including today's tiebreak: