Titled Tuesday 10 Game Of The Tournament Nominees

Titled Tuesday 10 Game Of The Tournament Nominees

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| 27 | Chess Event Coverage

Titled Tuesday 10 was the largest and strongest to date, and its $2,000 prize pool helped attract 32 grandmasters and more than 100 titled participants. 

This Titled Tuesday will also be the first to award a $125 Game of the Tournament prize, selected by readers on the homepage survey.

Check out the nominees below, and then be sure to vote in the official survey to help determine the winner.

Game of the Tournament Nominees:

1. IM Lucas A. Liascovich vs GM Sam Sevian, 1-0.

2. GM Tal Baron vs GM Hikaru Nakamura, 1-0.

3. GM Daniel Naroditsky vs GM Hikaru Nakamura, 0-1.

4. IM Keaton Kiewra vs GM Georg Meier, 0-1.

5. Write-In Vote.

Select any other game played in the June 2 Titled Tuesday and make your case for it in the survey comments. 

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