
Tactical themes and typical traps: the end

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If you are over 2150, then this is not for you. For all others: with the arrival, a couple of days ago, of Tactics in the Chess Opening, Part 6 we have finished a long running series. This Part 6 is about Gambits & Flank Openings, and was written by young Dutch GM Sipke Ernst and Belgian IM Geert van der Stricht. It covers tactical themes and typical traps in the main lines of the English, Dutch, Reti, Nimzowitsch, Basman, Chigorin, Albin, Blackmar Diemer, Budapest, Englund, Bird, Van Geet and Sokolsky. The series has now covered, in 6 volumes with over 1400(!) pages, the main lines of the entire opening spectrum, and has therefore come to its end. We will keep reprinting and updating it in the future. Over the past few years, we have had extremely positive reviews about these books. Let me quote just one: "The annotations are to the point but not so much as to lose the reader. A pleasurable way for those below 2200 to master the fundamentals of tactics play." -- IM John Donaldson

We recommend this book and the entire series to your attention.
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