Ian Rogers is a renowned chess journalist coach and strong grandmaster, who competed with the world's best players in the 1980s and...
55 in puzzle battle https://www.chess.com/puzzles/battle/2EEk2w8Dc
Campeón Nacional Absoluto (2012 - 2017) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peruvian_Chess_Championship - Olympic Player. Perfil...
Learn chess from the trainer of Super GM Arjun Erigaisi & 5+ GMs & IM's ! Welcome to my page! This is IM Kushager Krishnater,...
Hey I'm Fide Candidate master Akeem Brown. This year makes 10 years that I've been playing the game of chess and I'm still in love...
My name is Yuniesky Quesada. I became a GM in 2005. I got 2600 Fide Rating in 2010, and I have held that qualification for more than...
International Master Mykola Bortnyk - former Ukrainian blitz and rapid chess champion. Highest FIDE blitz rating - 2665 (2016-Feb) #12...