Welcome! I'm a coach and an author.If you want to improve your rankings in chess or just beat all of your friends, that's the place...
Hi everyone! My name is Alexandra Samaganova and I am a WFM from Kyrgyzstan. My peak FIDE Rating is 2109. I am a Five-time...
Soy el MF Víctor Fernández Barrera, con un máximo ELO de 2343 y con 3 Normas Internacionales. Suelo dar clases online. Uso un método...
My name is Mika Karttunen and I am from Finland. I am an international chess master with the peak elo rating 2497 (2499,2 during tournament)...
https://joachimmouhamad.podia.com/club https://www.youtube.com/c/JoachimMouhamad https://www.twitch.tv/joachimmouhamad
Miguel Santos Ruiz GM from Spain. Interested in European Leagues. Email: [email protected]