Etsi shakkiklubi

Chess Universe
Welcome to Chess Universe! This enthusiastic club is happy to have you join our community. Despite our activity, which is rather standard for large...
2 352
Sorø Skakklub Online
Dette er Sorø Skakklubs online forum
Haha Wallet
Haha Chess
The Attila fan club
  Clubda rütbəli olsun və ya olmasın kim cluba çoxlu nəfərləri gətirirsə ona super admin rütbəsi verəcəm  Clubda a...
MessiAndrei regele României 
Lynx Union
*Join our club!* Hello! If you are watching this, please consider joining our club! We would love and honored to have you join us. About our cl...
Federació Catalana d'Escacs
Aquest és el club oficial de la Federació Catalana d’Escacs (FCE), on podràs participar en diferents torneigs dirigits als nostres afiliats i als n...
1 435
Jared's Fan Club
This is Jared's official fan club! Club rules are here: The Rules  
Libya Chess Team
منتخب ليبيا للشطرنج هو الممثل الرسمي للاعبين الليبيين على الموقع هل أنت مهتم بتعلم كيفية لعب الشطرنج؟ هل ترغب في تطوير مهاراتك؟ إذن انضم إلى فري...
1 750
Meme House
Hello! This is Meme House, a growing chess club here in you should join our club:- Because this club is about memes and memes are...
The Killer Derivatives
(No advertising w/o admin permission please). We are a group that is aiming to become the strongest vote chess group on! We are ranked#16...
2 341
  HISTORIA Pertenecen a la Escuela del Remate ya que finalizan las partidas gracias a su instinto asesino. Con ataques despiadados, la par...
Sacred Pawn Legion
If Chess is your battle ground this club is for you!!! The Sacred Pawn Legion   Requests YOU   This group is about people who enjoy chess more...
7 912
KNOCKOUT VOTE CHESS LEAGUE (KOVCL) runs vote chess tournaments (both standard & chess960) between different clubs on All season...
Colorado Springs Chess Club
Events: The Colorado Springs Chess Club meets for Over-The-Board chess on Tu...
FC Barcelona
the group is for fans & followers of the FC Barcelona.Futbol Club Barcelona, known familiarly as Barça, is a professional football club,...
2 650
Promote to Infinity
  We are the Promote To Infinity chess club! Join this club if you want to play daily matches and vote chess ! We also have amazing, cre...
Yemen Chess Team
Yemen Chess Team: The official representative of The World League Championship. Are you interested in learning how to play chess? Would you like to...
The Quantum Portal
🌌 Join The Quantum Portal! 🌌  🎉 This club is found Jan 3, 2024 and has 60+ members. 🎉  ✅ “The Quantum Portal" is not just a che...
Sahovska sekcija TQM Aradac
Pozivamo Vas da se učlanite u Šahovski klub Saveza Šahovske sekcije TKM Centra! To je mesto gde se okupljaju ljubitelji šaha d...
Clouds Of Chess
Join us for a cookie! 🍪🍪 Rules: Be Nice! You can curse if you want to, but not a lot Don't be mean to other members! No Advertising! No s...
Bobby Fischer Group
The Bobby Fischer Group welcomes you. American-born chess master who became the youngest grandmaster in history when he received the title in 1958....
4 574
Sudan Chess Team
Sudan Chess Team: The official representative of The World League Championship. Are you interested in learning how to play chess? Would you like to...
1 442