
Master Attack and Defense

Master Attack and Defense

Learn to attack and defend like a master!

Would you like to be able to calculate accurately in the key moments of a game? Then this is the course for you! In this module, we will be learning key ideas about attack and defense. Start attacking and defending like a master today!

Here is what you will learn:

  • Practice hunting down the opponent's king!
  • Find ways to refute unsound attacks!
  • Calculate your way to safety or checkmate!

Defensive Trading

A very important defensive idea is to force trades. Often, when you are facing an attack, a well-timed trade can remove the danger to your position.
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Breaking Through the Castle...Advanced

A seemingly well-covered king can still be attacked when there is a large attacking force. In particular, a "rook lift" is a dangerous method of attack against the castled king.
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When to Attack

"When to attack?" Generally you should attack when you have an advantage on some part of the board - especially if it is a temporary advantage.
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Seizing the Moment

"Carpe Diem" is applicable to chess. In many positions, if you don't use your chance when it arises, you will lose it.
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Prophylactic Thinking 101

"Prophylactic" thinking means preventative thinking. It means that you think from your opponent's point of view, and try to prevent what he is planning. Thinking in chess involves two aspects: your plans, ideas, and threats; and the plans, ideas, and threats of your opponent. However, many players neglect the second aspect.
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Defensive Sacrifice

While material is important in chess, there are many positions where there are more important goals which require the sacrifice of material to achieve. This is not limited to positions where you are attacking your opponent's king - in some cases you might need to give up material for defensive purposes.
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Killing the Target

The words "if only..." are a frequent way that a chess master begins to formulate a combination. "If only I could get my queen to this square"; "If only I could make this piece move away"...If you see an "if only" on the chess board, look for a way to make it a reality. There won't always be a way, but sometimes there will.
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Reinforcing Your Attack and Defense

Sometimes the pieces you have available for your attack (or defense) are insufficient. In that case, you need to bring up new pieces. Calculation will tell whether the time involved is too high a price.
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Attacking the Vulnerable

An important strategic concept is to identify the weak points in your opponent's position and attack them.
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Master Attack and Defense

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Δημοσιεύτηκε 5/20/2013