
Feel free to send me a friend request! I love talking to people so if you want to have a nice conversation with me, feel free to hit me up for a nice chat! More importantly, here are some things about me!

💖 Current Mood: 💖


💖 About me: 💖

My name's Alexander Ortiz but people usually can me Alex. I'm bisexual and I go by whatever pronouns you guys prefer lol.

I'm currently 17 years old and my birthday is on the 16th of March.

My hobbies include drawing, gardening, cosplaying and practicing judo. There are many things that I love doing but I'm too lazy to list them all lol. If you're interested, you can always chat with me and I'll be more than glad to share more of my hobbies with you!

💖 Relationship Status: 💖

Single 🥲

💖 Friends: 💖



















If I forgot to add you, let me know and I'll gladly add you to my list!

I'm sometimes bored so I'm always available to play the game listed below! Let me know if you wanna play too! ^^

Ignore number 50 lol.

Credits to @a-l0nely-iriss for giving me the idea of this game!

💖 Bio Last Updated: 💖


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