Locate the 5 Stars within the Pie and you shall be rewarded 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286...
I was born at 18th of July 1983. Live at Sombor, Serbia. I am IM and Official Fide Trainer, fide rated 2475elo. Selector and coach...
Nationalities: Korea, United States (Very minor ^^) Chess World Records: 5 One of only four history doctorate recipients among chess...
Hi! I'm a National Master and chess coach focused on helping students reach a 2000 OTB rating efficiently. I assess a student's current...
FIDE Master who has taught both group lessons and privates for over 20 years. Helped students improve their ratings from beginner...
Born and bred in rural Oregon, USA, I'm currently a 19-year-old junior in college. I started at age 5 with my dad and brother Aaron....
Mi nombre es Cristian Camilo Soto, ajedrecista Colombiano desde el año 2008, maestro FIDE desde el 2020, campeón de...
Olá! Sou o MN Leandro Custódio, professor de xadrez e organizador de torneio em Marília & Região. Neste ano de 2022 estou preparado...